• Cole Coffee Inc. (map)
  • 307 63rd Street and 6255 College Ave
  • Oakland, California 94618
  • USA

"Hi gang! Super excited for this ride. KSU 9 am (a more civilized time as we are heading into less trafficked roads). Be gassed and aired and ready! I'll be at Cole Coffee around 8 to shoot the shit before we leave.

We'll head down some favorite roads including Palomares and Calaveres Canyon. Whoop! When we reach the South Bay I'll have an extending ride plan (probably Mines or head west to 9/35) or you'll have the option of hopping on the freeway for easy exit. If we are still out riding around 5, a few of us are going to head to MotoGuild on Treasure Island for their opening party. Dames support Dames! 

See you Sunday...Abby